Active Brake Caliper HYA 48/56
Active Brake Caliper HYA 26/50

Active Brake Caliper

Apart from the spring-applied actuators, HANNING & KAHL also supplies so-called ”Active“ brakes, where braking force is generated by hydraulic pressure. This favourably-priced type of brake is an appropriate choice whenever the extra safety advantages of the spring-applied actuators are not essential. They are primarily deployed in the brakes in trailer bogies to support the electro-dynamic service brake and maximise brake force whenever emergency braking is called for. Active brakes fit well into the modular concept because they have the same mechanical interface as the spring-applied actuators. It is thus possible to equip the vehicle with the type of brakes driving conditions actually demand without changing the design in any way.

Technical Data

type HYA 48/56 HYA 26/50
mounted to/effective as trailer bogie wheel wheel/single wheel brake
force range up to 56 kN 25 – 30 kN
type floating caliper with torque brace fixed caliper
force transfer single force cartridge, direct force cartridges on both sides, direct
slack adjustment via piston stroke via piston stroke
Berake disk (Ø, Breite) ø 500 mm, s 60 – 75 mm ø 340 – 440 mm, s 32 – 60 mm